Plotting...scheming even

UX Redesign

Website | UX/UI Design | Microcopy | Collaborative | Figma | Usability Testing

Heuristic Evaluation
Sketches & Wireframes
Figma Prototypes
UI Design System

A refreshed Design founded on logic & efficiency

Redesigned a reservation system for travel agencies partnering with Dominion Tours, a Spanish-speaking tour operator based in Vancouver. The goal was to improve the system's operational efficiency when booking a customer's trip while simultaneously modernizing the design.

My final desktop prototypes included features to reserve tours and package deals, book desired hotel room types, and manage customer flight information. These were passed onto the software team at NDD Infosystems and are currently being developed.

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/ Outdated? Sure—but what else was wrong?

DIVING INTO THE OLD DESIGN with 4 real users

/ Think-aloud tests & Results

To gain insight into the functional efficiency, I began by conducting usability tests while noting any frustrations felt by the users.

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/ Changes to main flow and design

Bringing the old system up to date with current standards and user expectations

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